At Infodrafts, our clients often call us with the question “How much does a website cost?” Often they expect a pretty straightforward answer.
We can’t just give the same answer, no matter when we’re asked. We have many factors that can impact the pricing of a website in Clearwater, Florida. The good news is that we can assist you with narrowing down the search, create a quote, and provide you with a breakdown so that you will be able to see exactly where your money is going and still find ways to lower the price.
How Does a Website’s Cost Change?
Using our website project cost calculator you can see how each feature of your website impacts the price. Additional design features and Flash or multimedia integration will increase the overall cost of your website. Additionally, the number of pages you would like added will influence the final price. Several options for eCommerce and Content Management System monitoring, as well as SEO are available in order to help you build a better website.
How Much Does a Website Cost?
Our Gainesville clients are worried about the cost of services, and we know it is on their minds. We can help you to some extent receive the best service at the lowest price, as you seek to receive the best possible service at the lowest possible price. Because discount pricing sometimes signifies sacrificing features and services, depending on your company’s website needs, it may not be necessary to skimp on building a website, redesigning it or enhancing it.
The Internet has become a major part of business these days, and eCommerce firms are increasingly reliant on Internet marketing campaigns to boost traffic and reach new potential customers. Thus, asking how much a site costs is no different from asking how valuable your company is and how valuable your customers are. Your website will pay for itself in terms of more visitors, brand loyalty, sales, and profitability if you put money, effort, and time into it. The result of companies that ditch quality content and improve user navigational interfaces is not going to be the same as those that provide excellent content and good user experiences.
This is why a website can serve as a marketing, customer service, public relations, and advertising department all rolled into one. Your website is where your consumers go to learn about your business, services and products, as well as by the web address, which is your store location on the web. Websites that are effective can succeed in mastering all those departments’ responsibilities while providing exceptional customer service.
With the Clearwater Web Design Company, you will have a great website that will sell more with less marketing efforts.
3 Factors that Affect How Much Your Website Costs?
Infodrafts calculates the cost of its websites based on three factors.
Domain Name
Your website’s domain name is your website’s address. For Infodrafts, our domain name is It is possible to buy a domain name from hundreds of registrars. A .com name should cost between $8 and $15 per year, and the cost may vary depending on the prefix.
It may be possible to purchase a domain name that is already taken, but it can cost many thousands of dollars. Having a matching domain name makes your company easier for consumers to recognize, making it easier for them to find your website.
Domain names are usually leased for an annual fee, so you can negotiate to purchase an existing domain name when the lease expires. However, if you forget to pay your bill, someone else may be able to usurp your domain name.
The Hosting of a Website
Essentially, a hosting website stores and serves your content on the Internet. The server houses your files, images, media, and pages. You need to expect to pay between $50 and $200 a year for hosting, which includes tools to monitor site traffic, page views, and user behavior. However, hosting isn’t free. The prices vary so widely, partly because those with the lowest prices provide fewer resources and features for their clients. In addition, websites that receive a large number of page views will have to pay more for the extra server resources.
Design of a Website
A website’s cost can often be lowered by skipping this component when our clients use high-end websites. A fully functional, easy-to-use website employs search engine optimization techniques, is developed using the right tools by professionals, has quality content and provides a service to customers.
The price of your website services will increase if you need a website redesign, or a new website design.
Different firms may quote different prices for web design work. Plan for the number of hours it takes to plan, design and develop a website, and don’t let overly-expensive quotes derail you. To save time on the development phase, you should also explain what your site should look like, and how you want it to function. Depending on what they charge per hour for planning, design and development, the same website can cost $2,500 at one company and $25,000 at another. Clearwater web designers provide a variety of features to tailor the design or redesign to fit your business’s needs and achieve your company’s goals.
Designing a website on a budget without having to sacrifice quality is possible. Websites can be designed cheaper if the content is created (written) by businesses themselves. You must, however, ensure that your writing is satisfactory for search engine rankings if you don’t want to be left behind.
Consider the goals and requirements of your website
It is crucial to figure out what you want from a website before you can make a decision on what you need. Setting achievable goals will help us understand how you want your online business to develop and approach your website in the right direction.
eCommerce businesses are especially prone to needing to have a solid plan for their website. You need to pick a design that fits both your needs and the strategies that your business has to thrive so that you can grow your business.