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10 Amazing Marketing Ideas For Plumbing Companies in 2021



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plumber marketing ideas

Plumbers have a difficult time coming up with marketing ideas. Where do you find time to come up with plumber marketing ideas? In most plumbers’ businesses, they are so focused on their business and servicing customers that they rarely have time to think about marketing. When you have a dry well, you don’t realize how much marketing you need until it runs dry.

When you don’t need it, the time to start thinking about marketing is when you don’t need it. Here are some creative ways plumbers can start doing some marketing that they may not have considered before.

1. Referral program for customers

Your existing customers can recommend you to new customers by using your customer referral programs.

How to market with referrals

The best customer service

The plumbing business you represent will be known based on the service it provides, and the feeling it leaves behind in the customer. A great customer service experience includes returning calls on time, going the extra mile, explaining things clearly and concisely, and cleaning up.

Promoting customer referrals

Making sure your referral program is simple to utilize and understand is one way to go about this. Several of the companies we discussed above even go as far as to mention to their customers how they can solicit referrals – by sharing on social media. Customers who write reviews or share their experiences on social media platforms can earn additional incentives. Free plumbing service would be an example.

Referral request

Don’t ask your customers for referrals; they might not offer them. Whether it’s through social media, signing up with a referral program, or word-of-mouth, you need to ask your customers for referrals.

2. In Foster’s review

The vast majority of customers do not go and leave online reviews. The customer will go to extremes to give you a good or bad review. The customer you want to strive for the most is the regular happy customer. To distinguish yourself from other plumbers, follow these tips:

  • They should be asked in a professional manner.
  • Don’t forget to remind them of your social media and review sites
  • Google Plus reviews offer a great first impression as they appear in the Google search listings, which can lead to more business.

These are review websites you may wish to consult in order to determine which is best for your brand:

  • Facebook
  • YellowPages
  • Google My Business (GMB)
  • Yelp
  • BBB

3. Participation of local communities

You’ll get the most exposure in your local community if you’re involved. Some people are not seeking your services yet, but by working with them you can be there for them when they do. Here are some ideas:

  • Meetup is a great way to find local plumbing meetups as they are all offline and local, so join up.
  • Citizens groups and local associations: help out
  • Please show your community support by supporting schools and PTAs.

4. Plumbers’ involvement in online communities

Your website can be more successful if you utilize online communities.

  • It lets people know you and your style
  • We’ll give you the opportunity to showcase your skills where they are needed.
  • Linkedin
  • Question and answer sites: Quora, Yahoo Answers
  • Reddit is a great resource for finding forums and discussions related to plumbing.

5. Sharing business cards with local partners

Many local businesses offer customers the opportunity to place their business cards on display in their waiting rooms. Businesses that do not compete with one another are perfect partners (e.g., financial planners, real estate agents). In addition to that, gyms typically offer the option to share business cards. Have your employees look out for these and simply ask if they come across a place to place your cards. This works out for everyone!

6. Form a partnership with another company

Advertising costs can be shared with another company in the same market. Sharing costs keeps the costs of large ads and high-quality printing low. Even when you are online marketing, you can advertise both your business and your affiliate program with the same joint banner.

7. Contests and giveaways

We offer our guide to business giveaways for plumbers because they are a great plumber market tactic because they take very little capital and have a strong ROI.

8. Online social networking 

You’ve probably heard of social media before, but it’s something everyone should be using. You have to work for it, but the ROI isn’t as high for every business.

  • The approach is ideal for products that have broad market appeal.
  • You should make use of Facebook if you are appealing to the consumer

9. Email marketing

Marketing via email is a great way to ensure you stay in touch with your existing customers. It keeps you in the know about a customer’s situation. These are our top tips:

  • Before you send an email, ask yourself: Is the content suitable for your audience? What’s compelling about it? What’s important? Once you start sending irrelevant content, you might lose your audience.
  • Consider the context: Send out content that is relevant to your customers. Feel free to send something related to the holidays.
  • Be relevant: Don’t just send things just because you can.
  • Do you need to incorporate email marketing into your plumbing company’s marketing strategy?
  • Make sure you have a large customer base since email open rates are between 15 and 20%, so if you have a 1000-person customer base, about 200 will open your emails.
  • Before you begin your content distribution campaign, build your email list.
  • Create an email list of experts in your field, including moving owner associations and realtors.
  • You should always send an introductory email, even if a customer has just joined your organization or has used your services.
  • Content in your email should be valuable.
  • Most people check their emails from their smartphones, so make sure your emails are optimized for mobile.
  • Removing undelivered emails will prevent email platforms, such as Yahoo and Gmail, from having an impression that you’re spamming people.
  • You shouldn’t send out a large number of emails at once if you have a big database. Sending the emails in batches or phases will prevent spam filters from picking up.

10. Providing customer service

Whether you get more business from repeat customers or from a new clientele, customer service is the most important way you can improve it.

  • Although you are inexperienced in customer service or maybe not as personable, you can still surround yourself with knowledgeable people such as your front office staff, your billing staff, and many more.
  • Automated solutions can be great, but they’re not much better than the human touch.
  • We have prepared a customer service guide on relationship marketing that should help you with your work with customers.

11. SEO for local businesses

Plumbing companies are highly likely to succeed if they use SEO to get customers. Customers are highly likely to search online for plumbing companies. In order to do this, they will try contacting a few of the initial results they receive for comparison purposes. It is likely you will not be near these sites, which means you are missing out on sales opportunities.


You can only make the most of these plumber marketing ideas if you commit to them. Make sure you block out at least a few hours in your calendar next week to implement one of these suggestions.

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