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COVID-19 And Technology: What It Means To All Of Us



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covid 19 impact on technology

The planet has changed completely due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Along with the online businesses and entrepreneurs’ way of thinking, the whole technological world has taken a new form. Their employment structure, working procedure, workplace, expenditure, etc. is taking a quick turnaround. If you look at the European market, their whole Software Engineering industry has gone remote. Let’s look at the facts about COVID-19 and technology that are wandering around the internet.

When we speak of the industry, we speak for the freshers as well as the employers. So, how much of a change on the table has been brought? Where are they all now? Did social distancing bring a big change in their lives? Speaking of social distancing, some of the software companies have gone totally on a remote schedule. Twitter is a very good example. They are maintaining their daily works using interactive online platforms. The CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, has claimed, they can remain like this as long as it is needed.

In recent times, we have a lot of IT companies that provide a variety of services. Many SaaS, PaaS, IaaS type companies have lost many of their clients because of the economical crisis. A big similarity among their clients is they are mostly business owners who are currently taking a step back and building resilience around their business. This puts a partial pause on the entire industry.

Going Online – The Short-Lived Solution

Who can work remotely? Software Developers? Project Managers? Business Owners? Regardless of the recent crisis, this has been a drag. What’s different is that people have forced their production to reschedule. Recently, China has moved its education to online temporarily as 180 million of its students are now in their homes. At present, there is no such platform that is scaled to handle users on a huge number like this. This makes it a perfect time for SysAdmins to rethink about the scalability, don’t you think?

Not actually. The rescaled shape of an application will be verified once we know how long the situation is going to last. If it is only a matter of five or six months, then the whole effort will go in vain, because it isn’t simply worth it. However, this is a great solution for these COVID-19 and Technology fighting times.

More About Cloud Platforms

The educational platforms aren’t the only ones going through changes. To stay home means to remain online all the time. So, social media platforms are beginning to think of new strategies of how to make this user engagement for beneficial. 

What do you think about the cloud conference platforms like Skype or Zoom? They are browsing a troublesome load thanks to the industry working remotely all the time. Their temporary scalability needs to be redone once the whole world starts to heal, but only a few of us know what amount of pain and hard work that means for the people working behind them.

The Change In Shipment Business

Because of the lockdown, China and other electrical equipment suppliers went through a financial shock from the last December. The companies are being shut down. On-demand products like SoC chips, hardware materials, pre-manufactured products are now on-hold by their makers. Huawei is one of the biggest network chip manufacturers around the world. Not only they have put a hold on the shipments, but their assembly of products has also been shut down. 

The Future?

Too soon to tell. Though many countries have withdrawn the lock-down and started their daily occurring on a limited amount, the new normal is going to be a big thing for people to handle. And the evolution of the tech industry is totally dependent on it. But one thing is for sure, it will never stop, no matter how bad the situation gets. In fact, it should never stop. Otherwise, the economical crisis should get worse.

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